Is there an EPM Summit this year? What is this Network?!
If you’ve ever been to the legendary Column5 EPM Summit event, I know what you’re probably thinking. ‘The event was so awesome, I networked with great people, took in great content, engaged in deep discussions, found solutions to our problems, learned so much with hands on practice…it was even fun.
Why would you ever change the EPM Summit Leadership Event to the EPM Summit Network? As the kids would text: IKR? (If you’re like me and recently find yourself in the 50+ demographic, that means: ‘I know, right?’)
Please allow me to explain.
For the past 10 years, Column5 has hosted the EPM Summit Event with you, the SAP BPC customer in mind. We sought to tackle the pressing issues you were facing as a group with changes in the market, and individually with challenges you are likely to face at your stage of EPM solution maturity. Some portion of the event has been unchanged from the beginning – it’s always been held in the first quarter and the North American Summit has always been in Las Vegas. Then we added a new EMEA location with our UK event. And over the years we have made steady improvements to the event: extended it; added hands-on sessions; added tracks for users, technicians, and executives; had various keynote speakers and entertainment and added online content available exclusively to Summit attendees.
Every year, about this time, we encouraged customers and non-customers to attend. And every year, we got the feedback: “this event exceeded my expectations” “I learned so much” and occasionally, we even got: “I had fun!”
Who wants to disrupt that track record of positive endorsements? Certainly not me!
On the other hand, I also got this feedback: “I wasn’t able to attend all the sessions I wanted to”, “I wish my boss could have heard that session”, and “I learn something new every time I attend, I wish I didn’t have to wait a year between events”.
Then...the light bulb came on. It occurred to me a week’s worth of the world’s best SAP EPM content simply is not enough.
We can do better and here’s how. Column5 wants to see our customers have more and better knowledge around EPM topics.
Column5 wants to see our customers have more and better knowledge around EPM topics.
My vision is to enhance your experience:
From: A single Annual Event
To: An Annual Event PLUS a Network of like-minded professionals with ongoing access to each other.
I am determined to build a ‘place,’ a community, where SAP BPC, SAC and other EPM customers have access to the knowledge and information needed for successful EPM processes and solutions.
If your organization owns SAP BPC or SAC and you support the EPM process, this is the must-have membership. And don’t worry – we still have the highly rated EPM Leadership Summit event as a key benefit of the network membership – included free for members!
Let’s run through the list of what’s new in 2020:
Annual recurring EPM Summit Network membership with more benefits to increase your EPM knowledge and skill.
- EPM related content, not available anywhere else, on our EPM Summit Network members-only website.
- LOWER price – yes, that’s right – we found ways to make this more cost effective for you as your membership includes a FREE EPM Summit Event pass.
- Want to have multiple people from your organization join the Summit Network & attend the event? We have made it even more attractive to do so with our new pricing.
- Several paths to receive a FREE membership as a Premium Services Customer– if ‘lower price’ just wasn’t low enough!
- EMEA Summit Event in London event will mirror the US event, so you can choose either location/date and get the same content & experience.
- Can’t make the event this year? That’s OK, you can send a colleague to use your membership pass to the North American or EMEA events. If no one can make it, members still get access to recorded sessions from both events.
- Members-only forum to post your most pressing questions monitored by Column5 experts. Ask the network for help to overcome your challenges.
- NEW Strategic Track: Finance Transformation workshops at the EPM Summit Events. Now you can come to the Summit and takeaway useful finance transformation tools for your organization.
That’s a lot, and honestly it needs to be because we are in an exciting place with the SAP EPM & Analytics tools and this content is critical to your success.
- First, SAP’s product roadmap is advancing quickly with new solutions jam packed with features.
- Second, AI and the rapid inclusion of new features in those tools are enabling new business processes. You need to be aware of how this information can radically change your approach to planning and management reporting.
- Finally, we know embarking on the journey to re-imagine your business processes with AI is an intense process and you will need the inspiration and support of experts and peers.
The EPM Summit Network is the answer to this challenge.
Join now for access to highly valuable information you need to get the most out of your SAP EPM & Analytics investments.
David Den Boer, Founder, Column5 Consulting