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SAP Analytics
Thought Leadership

Why We Love SAP BPC Language Customisation in 10.1 NW and You Will Too! (Especially in Arabic)

Posted by Richard Hynes on Fri, Sep 16, 2016 @ 10:09 AM

Language customisation of SAP BPC for NetWeaver can be wrongly viewed as a challenge and an unnecessary effort. There are obvious advantages to presenting the software and the models in the user’s mother tongue. Although some customising needs to be done in the areas laid out below, the time spent is not excessive, and should be amply rewarded by improved accessibility for your international users.

Column5 is currently carrying out an implementation using SAP BPC 10.1 NW in Arabic for a major Middle Eastern bank. We believe this is the first full implementation in Arabic so we would like to share some of the insights regarding language localization.

Topics: EPM 10, NetWeaver, best practices for epm

EPM vs Analysis Office

Posted by Richard Hynes on Tue, May 24, 2016 @ 15:05 PM

Many of you will have heard that the EPM Add-In is being replaced with Analysis Office. This is not quite true: the EPM Add-In is being replaced by the EPM Plug-In which is a part of the new Analysis Office Add-In which also contains a Plug-In called Analysis. I hope that is clear.

If not, let me explain further.

Topics: Enterprise Performance Management (EPM), EPM 10, EPM Landscape, Analysis Office

Designing EPM Reports Around the Campfire

Posted by Steve Way on Thu, Apr 21, 2016 @ 08:04 AM

Here in the Pacific Northwest of the United States, people are either “fair weather” campers or “all weather” campers. When I was a young Boy Scout, my Scoutmaster (a former Marine) could politely be described as an “all weather” camper. He had no regard for cold blowing horizontal rain or snow….we went camping anyway. The best part of the trip was roasting marshmallows and drying out around the campfire, weather permitting. To distract all of us cold campers from turning it into a complaint party, he would engage us in games and stories. His favorite was the age old game of one person telling a story to your neighbor, and that person tells it to his neighbor and so on. Of course the story that is told by the last person bears little resemblance to the original story.

Topics: Enterprise Performance Management (EPM), EPM 10, best practices for epm

New Features of BPC 10.x Upgrades

Posted by Staci Matt on Tue, Oct 13, 2015 @ 08:10 AM

When upgrading to BPC 10.x, many companies are curious about what new features will become available to them.  Besides being quicker, more stable, etc., there are three new features that Column5 believes are worth the upgrade.

Topics: Best Practices, Thought Leadership, Enterprise Performance Management (EPM), Project Management, EPM 10, BPC (Business Planning & Consolidation)

EPM Add-in and Admin 10/10.1 on a Tablet?

Posted by Charles Dagaev on Tue, Oct 06, 2015 @ 09:10 AM

A key component of an effective reporting strategy is the ability to get data to users when, where, and how they need it to make better decisions. For many users in today’s technology-driven world, that means mobile devices are a critical part of the overall reporting strategy.

Topics: Best Practices, Thought Leadership, Enterprise Performance Management (EPM), EPM 10, BPC (Business Planning & Consolidation)

5 Things You Can Do to Get the Best Performance from Your BPC MS 10/10.1 Server Environment, Part 2

Posted by Charles Dagaev on Tue, May 12, 2015 @ 08:05 AM

If you have not read part one of this blog, read it here!

Topics: Best Practices, Thought Leadership, EPM 10, Performance, Microsoft, BPC (Business Planning & Consolidation)

5 Overlooked Features of BPC

Posted by Jamison Chochrek on Tue, Oct 28, 2014 @ 12:10 PM

This exact list is, of course, debatable from one BPC Deployment Expert to the next.  In fact, I am curious to see what other experts think.  Here are my top 5 features that are often overlooked in SAP’s Business Planning and Consolidation & EPM offerings.

 #1: Business Process Flows

Also known as BPFs.  This is a free feature embedded within BPC that requires minimal consulting expense if the user takes the appropriate training.  How to achieve this:

Topics: Thought Leadership, EPM 10

Using the Power of Visual Basic in EPM 10 Reporting

Posted by Michael Sheard on Wed, Aug 06, 2014 @ 07:08 AM

The Excel Add-In reporting tool of EPM 10 combines the features of Excel with EPM functionality.  A feature within Excel that is sometimes useful to meet more advanced reporting needs is macros programmed using Visual Basic (VBA).  This can achieve features that are not achievable through EPM 10 functionality.

Topics: Best Practices, Excel, Thought Leadership, Analytics, EPM 10, Value


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 1.Get Your Ultimate Guide to Improving SAP EPM Performance

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2.  Test Your BPC Performance 

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Get a BPC performance report card and custom report to identify performance issues you may not even know you have.

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  3. Get Your EPM Assessment  


Our assessment delivers a complete, best practice roadmap for you to follow.  We’ll work together to assess what you need to pivot your financial forecasting, planning, reporting and analysis to handle the compressed requirements from the volatile COVID-19 environment. 

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