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SAP Analytics
Thought Leadership

Column5 Celebrates Partnership with Darwin Analytics: Transforming EPM for a Dynamic Future

Posted by Column5 Consulting on Tue, Jan 28, 2025 @ 15:01 PM

At Column5, our mission has always been to empower organizations to achieve extraordinary outcomes by optimizing their Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) processes. Over the years, we've partnered with leading providers and innovators in the EPM ecosystem to deliver advanced, high-impact solutions to our clients. Today, we’re proud to highlight our strategic partnership with Darwin Analytics, a game-changing orchestration platform that is reshaping how EPM is executed and advancing the field to new heights. 

Topics: EPM, Darwin EPM, CPM


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To Enhance Your EPM Performance:

 1.Get Your Ultimate Guide to Improving SAP EPM Performance

ebook 2

 Learn what could be contributing to your poor performance and how to diagnose common problems. Get tips that will empower you and your team to improve the  performance  of your system in order to get the most out of your SAP EPM Investment.

Get the e-Book


2.  Test Your BPC Performance 

Benchmark 2

Get a BPC performance report card and custom report to identify performance issues you may not even know you have.

Test my BPC


  3. Get Your EPM Assessment  


Our assessment delivers a complete, best practice roadmap for you to follow.  We’ll work together to assess what you need to pivot your financial forecasting, planning, reporting and analysis to handle the compressed requirements from the volatile COVID-19 environment. 

New Assessment