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SAP Analytics
Thought Leadership

SAP BPC Training - 5 Reasons Your Skills Might Be Lacking

Posted by
Andrew Ford
Andrew Ford
on Fri, Aug 14, 2020 @ 10:08 AM

Should you and/or your BPC power users and support staff use traditional classroom training or online learning for your SAP BPC training? The divide exists between the single fundamental belief that online learning lacks the “humanistic” aspect of training. While many could go back and forth about the pros and cons of each side, both share a commonality: the idea of competency-based training (CBT). CBT is a methodology that believes in focusing training on single units or competencies for the learner to be able to fully consume. This methodology breaks down into the 3 components below related to improving your BPC software implementation:

  • Functional: Technical Skills for a position (Accountant vs. Consultant)
  • Personal: Individual Attributes and Personality (Ability to communicate, collaborate, etc.)
  • Business: Problem Solving in the Workplace (Critical Thinking)

The basic reason why a lot of companies are making the shift toward CBT is to have the ability to run data analysis on each learner. Due to the nature of this training, learners are challenged to complete tasks within a target goal and must retry the skill in order to continue.  If you're not using this style of training for you, your BPC power users and support staff, keep reading to learn why Competency-Based Training is the way to go!

Since the beginning of 2020, Column5 Academy has implemented this methodology to have better insight to our learners, course content, and overall effectiveness of our training. With your EPM software features, users, and support needs changing constantly, it is important to know what content needs to be developed, reorganized, and possibly retired.

SAP BPC training using CBT methods


5 Reasons Why Competency-Based Training is Beneficial

  1. Reduction in Training Costs
    By using SAP BPC training on a singular skill-based level, companies now can eliminate any training that is deemed ineffective or out-of-date. This reduces the amount of time and money spent on re-purposing and maintaining old material and avoids pointless training. If you want to lower cost even further, invest in online competency-based training. With no travel, classroom, and catering costs, learners can still receive quality skill-based training from home.
  1. Better Workplace Retention
    Many of us have taken or sat in drawn out courses that we may have nodded off to or switched over to Amazon to shop. Keeping learners engaged is an important aspect whether you are a trainer, manager, BPC software power user or support staff. That is why CBT focuses on breaking down training into bite-sized material that is easy to consume and review if needed. Learners can focus more easily and consume the right amount of material that best suits them.
  1. Shifts Responsibility to the Learner
    Instead of a trainer lecturing students for eight hours, CBT opens training into an exploratory conversation that is more at the learner’s pace. Since the learner’s plan will be customized to their role or responsibility, it gives them a chance to demonstrate what they already know, and what they need to continue to work on. This also gives your EPM software team the ability to track the learners progress.
  1. Standardizes Company Performance
    If you want to run a company with better BPC software performance, you must create a standard process each employee will follows when joining the team. One of the key elements for this process is having employees take a set of CBTs. Whether you want to implement a functional, personal, or business element to the process, it’s important you create a culture of learning within your organization.
  1. Records Employee Competencies
    CBT is a tool that can also be integrated into your HR departments as well as Executive. If you need to assess a potential employee on a skill set, you can select that learning element for them to take. Current employee’s can also utilize each learning element to show their career progression in order to receive a promotion or pay raise.

SAP BPC training and tracking skills

How Column5 Academy is Implementing SAP BPC Training using Competency-Based Techniques

All our workshops have learners with varying levels of knowledge which can make it tricky to keep the training engaging for the more advanced learners. Column5 Academy’s traditional approach to learning was through numerous levels, with multiple learning elements within each level. Since implementing CBT methodology, the Academy has removed the level hierarchy, and created a micro learning approach. This allows our learners to progress through each training program at their own pace, spending less time on material they are familiar with, and focusing on new content. This has also given the Academy the ability to analyze and measure learning over time spent. The Academy has also embraced the blended-learning approach, we understand people may not prefer the online approach, however by blending videos and simulated labs our training is not your typical endless parade of boring slides offered by most of our competitors.  Combined with our community board where you can interact with other students, we bring the classroom atmosphere to you!

SAP BPC training


Want to learn more about how the EPM Academy can increase your SAP BPC skill-set?

Check our courses and dates HERE


Topics: Training, sap bpc, User Experience, Epm Academy


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