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Thought Leadership

SAP BPC: Top 5 Most Viewed Blog Posts of 2016 (So Far)

Posted by
Gracie Arnold
Gracie Arnold
on Mon, May 02, 2016 @ 13:05 PM
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For those who missed our 2016 blog posts! Here at Column5, we believe that user education is paramount. Because of this we provide our viewers and clients many free educational resources. If you love a post or want us to post something specific, throw us a comment below! 

BPC_Reporting_1.jpg5. SAP BPC Reporting Tips & Tricks

"...This blog is part of a series on reporting techniques to help you get more value from SAP BPC. Drop-down lists help make a worksheet more efficient by provided a controlled list of options that make the report or input template respond to preconfigured options."

4. Integrated Planning with SAP BPC

business-person-is-writing-down-math-formulas-000079366079_Large.jpg"...SAP BPC is a tool that can be customised to facilitate planning, budgeting and forecasting processes for different functional areas such as Revenue, Human Capital Management, Operating Expenses, and Capital Expenditure. In this blog we will talk about how to integrate these functional areas into one unified BPC reporting model, for fully integrated planning."


3. EPM Execute API - SAP BPC

Customize-Ideas-Identity-Individuality-Innovation-Personalize-Co-000070198643_Large.jpg"...In this blog, we will discuss how to enable a VB API that can add a lot of flexibility to your reports, input schedules, and any process within the BPC solution."




2. 11 Dirty Secrets of EPM Projects Part 2

"...This is the second part of the original post of 11 Dirty Secrets of EPM Projects.I thought for
Column5's 11th birthday, I'd give our more than 1000 blog readers a gift! I’ve wrapped it up and called in the 11 'dirty secrets' of EPM projects." 



1. 11 Dirty Secrets of EPM Projects Part 1 

"...I know this is heresy to disclose some of these EPM professional services insider secrets, but I care more about you being successful than I worry about the flak I will inevitably get by letting you in on these secrets. Let’s begin:"


-Over_time_as_other_report_writers_become_involved_and_turnover_occurs_the_basic_design_look_and_feel_starts_to_rapidly_change_as_the_story_is_retold_differently._-.jpgHonorable Mention: Designing EPM Reports Around the Campfire 

"...His favorite was the age old game of one person telling a story to your neighbor, and that person tells it to his neighbor and so on. Of course the story that is told by the last person bears little resemblance to the original story. Turns out many EPM reports are designed the same way."


Didn't see your favorite here? Share your fav on your linkedin and we will include it next time! 

Want more EPM/BPC content?

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Related Content: 

Blog Post: SAP BPC Reporting Tips & Tricks

Blog Post: New Features of BPC 10.x Upgrades

Blog Post: IT Best Practices for EPM Implementation Success

Case Study: Column5 teams up with Lionsgate Entertainment

Author Bio:

Gracies_Face.pngGracie Arnold is a new member of the Column5 Consulting team. Gracie is a Marketing Coordinator within the marketing department. She has been with the company for over 6 months. 

If you are interested in doing a guest blog or webcast with the Column5 Team, please contact marketing@column5.com.

Gracie Arnold, Marketing Coordinator, US Team


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2.  Test Your BPC Performance 

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Get a BPC performance report card and custom report to identify performance issues you may not even know you have.

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  3. Get Your EPM Assessment  


Our assessment delivers a complete, best practice roadmap for you to follow.  We’ll work together to assess what you need to pivot your financial forecasting, planning, reporting and analysis to handle the compressed requirements from the volatile COVID-19 environment. 

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