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SAP Analytics
Thought Leadership

Comparing SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC) to SAP Business Planning and Consolidation (BPC)

6 Commonly Asked Questions About the EPM Add-in Excel Client

Using SAP Analytics Cloud as a Client to BPC

Comparing Consolidation Solutions: SAP BPC vs Group Reporting - Why You Need to Move from SAP BPC to Group Reporting

Discover the Value Formula to evaluate and implement EPM and xP&A solutions for success!

Choosing the Ideal EPM Implementation Partner, Part 2

Choosing the Ideal EPM Implementation Partner, Part 1

[TECH ALERT] How to fix the top 10 issues for BPC Microsoft Environments

6 Housekeeping Hacks To Enhance Your SAP BPC Performance for NetWeaver

The Top 5 Critical Success Factors for Your EPM Project

BPC 11, version for BW/4HANA: FAQs

The Top 5 Things to Consider When Selecting a Consulting Partner

EPM Project Management Success: The 3 Lines of Defense to Reducing Risk on an SAP BPC EPM Project

S/4HANA Group Reporting – Bringing Transaction Processing and Group Reporting together to “bridge the gap”

3 Reasons to Be Skeptical of Best of Breed Cloud EPM Vendors Claims to Support xP&A

Moving Towards xP&A: How to Re-imagine the EPM Process

Improve Performance of your SAP BPC Solution by 80% or more!

20 Years On - 9/11: Reflecting on My Experience

Introduction to SAP Disclosure Management

Get SAP EPM Training 24x7at The EPM Summit Network

SAP EPM & Analytics Professionals: Give Your Career & System the Support They're Missing

The Impact of Covid-19 on the role of the Group Financial Controller

SAP BPC Training - 5 Reasons Your Skills Might Be Lacking

[TECH ALERT] Critical vulnerability for SAP Systems on SAP JAVA Stack

COVID-19: How To Update your EPM Solution & Avoid Exposure by Long Planning Turnaround Times

How SAP BPC Training is Shifting in Today’s Climate

How To Finish 80% More of Your BPC Implementation Fast, Even Without Expert Design and Technical Skills

COVID-19: A time for Leadership - Leveraging Enterprise Performance Management in Times of Crisis

EPM Summit Event | Best SAP BPC & SAP Analytics Cloud Training

David Den Boer gets inspired on the EPM Summit Network and wants all EPM customers to embrace his vision

What do Rock, Paper, Scissors have to do with a successful technology solution? It shouldn’t be a secret…

Annual Planning Season: Horror Movie or Walk in the Park?  Let’s Discuss!

Time to Innovate Transfer Pricing with SAP BPC and Darwin EPM

How to find excellence in your BPC planning Master Data and Data Structure

Is SAP BPC a BI Tool? Can SAP BPC be used as a BI Tool?

Matrix consolidations in SAP BPC NW

SAP BPC EPM and Analysis plug-ins for Office Compared

SAP BPC v7,v10 Microsoft Tech Alert!

How to integrate SAP ECC and external non-SAP data sources in BPC

5 EPM System prep steps to take before budget season

How to Improve the BPC User Experience, Part One: Without a Developer - from Darwin EPM

We Don’t Know What We Don’t Know

Commonly Asked Questions from New SAP BPC Customers

[TECH ALERT] Current Performance Issues with SAP BPC 10 and 10.1 MS

An Insider’s View: Comparing EPM Industry Events

How to (really) speed up your ABAP code

SAP BPC Training In the Digital Age

Do You Need an SAP BPC Insurance Policy?

Waltzing with Columns in the EPM Add-in for SAP BPC

Understanding Solutions for SAP BPC Consolidations

It’s 2017 and SAP FC is here to stay!

VBA Object Declarations in the EPM Plug-In for Analysis for Office

Kill Bill Volume 1: Memory Consumption and the White Screen of Death

Warning – SAP BPC Embedded Projects are not just “BPC Standard Projects with a bit more BW Resource!”

How To: Drill Through from SAP BPC

[TECH ALERT] BPC 10.x Microsoft with EPM Add-in SP29

Key Lessons From Our Webcast Series with DNB ASA: "Achieving Excellence and Efficiency in EPM with SAP"

How to: Create Conditional Logic in SAP BPC, version for NetWeaver

Analysis for Office and the BPC Plug-in – everything you need to know!

EPM Maturity Model - How do I use it?

EPM Maturity Model - What is it?

How to be a BPC Capital Planning Jedi Master - from Darwin EPM

Troubleshooting Techniques for SAP BPC Reports Created w/ the EPM Add-In

Top 5 Tips for Writing SAP BPC Script Logic

Upgrading from SAP BPC Standard to SAP BPC Embedded – Everything You Need to Know

SAP BPC 10.1 NetWeaver at the Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority - 10 Keys to EPM Project Success

3 Steps to Ensure Projects are Delivering EPM Value

Where to Find: Everything You Always Wanted to Know about SAP BPC Embedded

5 Lessons I Learned from My 5-year-old Daughter about EPM

Helping DNB ASA Achieve Excellence and Efficiency in Financial Consolidation and Reporting

Reporting Bank Balances and Overdrafts in BPC

BREXIT and the Benefits of Constant Currency Reporting

Quick Wins in BPC Logic Tuning

What Exactly is “Customized eLearning” and Why Do BPC Users Want It?

Why We Love SAP BPC Language Customisation in 10.1 NW and You Will Too! (Especially in Arabic)

EPM Summit – Learn, Share, and Collaborate

The Changing Role of Finance: Results Reporting to Business Partner

EPM vs Analysis Office

SAP BW-IP, SAP BPC NW 10.1 Standard and SAP BPC NW 10.1 Embedded Compared

SAP BPC: Top 5 Most Viewed Blog Posts of 2016 (So Far)

Designing EPM Reports Around the Campfire

Integrated Planning with SAP BPC 10.1 Standard


11 Dirty Secrets of EPM Projects Part 2

11 Dirty Secrets of EPM Projects

IT Best Practices for EPM Implementation Success

Calculating Column Totals Dynamically - SAP BPC

Tax Reporting Just Got a Whole Lot Tougher! (Thanks to the OECD)

HOW TO: Suppress Send Dialog Box in SAP BPC

A Great Financial Consolidation Solution for Statutory and Regulatory Reporting in Complex Multinational Organisations

SAP BPC Performance - Best Practices

SAP BPC Reporting Tips & Tricks

Formatting in SAP BPC

Buying Services to Run BPC for You

Building a Competent BPC Team

How to Calculate Return on Investment for SAP BPC Projects

SAP BPC Staffing and Support Models

The Integrity of Data Entered into SAP BPC via Input Schedules

New Features of BPC 10.x Upgrades

EPM Add-in and Admin 10/10.1 on a Tablet?

Learning Resources for SAP BPC

Going Back to Diagrams

Why EPM Checklists, Methodologies, and Fast Start Templates Ensure Success

The MakeDim Task is Not a Dimension Automation Process - BPC for Microsoft

Does BPC Performance Depend on the Technology Stack?

What is Visible Executive Sponsorship?

The Process is King

Using SAP BPC Restore and Export Journal Data Manager Packages - Part 2

Analytics, EPM, and Managed Service

Journal Import and Export Setup Steps - Part 1

Mind the Gap!

The Inconvenient Truths About Organizational Change Management

EPM and the Wisdom of Sun Tzu

Want to be a European “Black Belt” in SAP BPC?

5 Things You Can Do to Get the Best Performance from Your BPC MS 10/10.1 Server Environment, Part 2

5 Things You Can Do to Get the Best Performance from Your BPC MS 10/10.1 Server Environment, Part 1

Column5 Through the Years

Intro to SAP EPM

OutlookSoft History: The Start of BPC and Column5

What's in a Good, Better, BEST Practice?

Performance Tuning for SAP BPC 10.0 for NetWeaver

Introduction to SAP HANA

Make Your EPM Project Successful By Investing in the Change!

What is YOUR BPC Upgrade Strategy?

Get the Most Out of Your BPC Training with Column5’s EPM Academy

EVDREs Do Not Play Nicely with EPM 10

5 Overlooked Features of BPC

What’s the ROI of Your BPC Implementation?

Penny Wise and Pound Foolish: Why Your Focus on "Cheap" is Killing Your Profits

What Should an SAP BPC Team Look Like? Update!

Organizational Change Management for SAP EPM and BPC Implementations

OLAP Is Not History

SAP Releases Roadmap for BPC for the Microsoft Platform

How EPM Caught The Pizza Bandit!

Using the Power of Visual Basic in EPM 10 Reporting

7 Deadly Sins of a BPC Implementation

Spreadsheets to BPC/EPM 10: A Quantum Leap

Considerations in Upgrading to SAP BPC v10

SAP BPC: What is the Right Amount of Time for a Design?

Where Do You Go to Find Answers to Your BPC Questions?

Project Tracking Percent Complete vs Time Remaining

Business Intelligence: A Core Business Competency

Replace a Working Spreadsheet Based Forecasting Model with SAP BPC?

Budget and Forecast – Are They The Same?

BPC Heaven vs. Excel Hell

EPM Value Is Exclusively The Client's Definition

EPM Hierarchical Planning, Forecasting and Reporting

Within BPC Automatically Display Related Members

Ready For a Planning Cycle? 5 Actions BPC Owners Need To Do

How To Avoid User Error For Complex Solutions EPM

Are You Mature Enough for EPM - Part II

Adding Value through the BPC Consolidation Process – Part II

Are You Mature Enough for EPM - Part I

Searching the Web for SAP EPM and BPC Answers - Part II

Useful Tips of Advanced Functionality in EPM10 Dynamic Formatting

3 Reasons You Will Be Happy With BPC

Transitioning From EPM Client to Consultant?

BPC NetWeaver Change Management

Searching the Web for SAP EPM & BPC Answers - Part I

Using a Technical Expert When Implementing BPC

Rolling Forecasts – Effecting EPM Techniques

Organizational Change Management in EPM and BPC Implementations

A Second Set of Eyes: Benefits of an SAP EPM Center of Excellence

Is Your Biggest Customer Your Best Customer?

3 Reasons Why EPM Unwired Will Add Value to Your Organization

Spilled Beer and the Key to EPM Value

HANA: Improving SAP One Customer At A Time

EPM Project Management Methodologies Untangled

Service Pack 9 for BPC v10 NetWeaver

EPM Integration:Financial Information Management -Pt. 2 Configuration

EPM Integration: Financial Information Management -Pt. 1 Installation

Part 2 What’s new for EPM? A look at the latest EPM roadmap from SAP

What's New for EPM - A Look at the Latest EPM Roadmap from SAP

EPM & BPC Training: Addressing the Needs of Adult Learners

Are you Ready for a BPC Upgrade?

EPM Dashboards & Scorecards: Why You Need Both

Adding Value Through the Consolidation Process - Part One

CoE History Lesson: The Many Names of BPC

What is an EPM Installation Consultant? – Part 3: Post Implementation

What is an Installation Consultant? – Part 2: Landscape Design

What is an Installation Consultant? – Part 1: Installation vs. Technical Consultants

Death of the Budget – Long Live the Rolling Forecast

Planning and Forecasting: Category Set-Up for SAP BPC

Retail Analytics: Understanding The Weather

EPM Training: From Strategy to Execution

BPC for Multiple Languages: Found in Translation

What Should an SAP BPC Implementation Team Look Like?

EPM Implementations: The Cost of Buying on Price Alone

The Cloud: EPM Bust or Solution?

The Easy Way to Increase EPM ROI - Part 1

Beyond Spreadsheets: The Future of EPM

Unwind the Compromise to Unlock the Promise of EPM

Technology vs. Process?

You Might Be in Excel Hell If...

BPC User Data Collection Checklist

Testing and Enhancing BPC Performance


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To Enhance Your EPM Performance:

 1.Get Your Ultimate Guide to Improving SAP EPM Performance

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 Learn what could be contributing to your poor performance and how to diagnose common problems. Get tips that will empower you and your team to improve the  performance  of your system in order to get the most out of your SAP EPM Investment.

Get the e-Book


2.  Test Your BPC Performance 

Benchmark 2

Get a BPC performance report card and custom report to identify performance issues you may not even know you have.

Test my BPC


  3. Get Your EPM Assessment  


Our assessment delivers a complete, best practice roadmap for you to follow.  We’ll work together to assess what you need to pivot your financial forecasting, planning, reporting and analysis to handle the compressed requirements from the volatile COVID-19 environment. 

New Assessment