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SAP Analytics
Thought Leadership

Adam Schulang

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What is YOUR BPC Upgrade Strategy?

Posted by Adam Schulang on Tue, Dec 09, 2014 @ 12:12 PM

“What is your BPC upgrade strategy?” or “what is the best plan to migrate BPC?” are the most common questions I am asked by clients looking to upgrade to the latest version of SAP BPC.  Even though clients' landscapes come in all shapes and sizes, the overall strategy for a BPC upgrade is not very different from one client to the next.  

Topics: Best Practices, Thought Leadership, NetWeaver, Performance, Microsoft, BPC (Business Planning & Consolidation)

BPC for Multiple Languages: Found in Translation

Posted by Adam Schulang on Tue, Dec 04, 2012 @ 09:12 AM

As Column5 continues to reach out to the global marketplace and engage clients with an international presence and user base, developing Business Planning & Consolidation (BPC) with multiple language capabilities has become all the more important. I recently came across a customer challenge that illustrates how getting it right often means keeping it simple.

Topics: Best Practices, Enterprise Performance Management (EPM), Training, Innovation


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To Enhance Your EPM Performance:

 1.Get Your Ultimate Guide to Improving SAP EPM Performance

ebook 2

 Learn what could be contributing to your poor performance and how to diagnose common problems. Get tips that will empower you and your team to improve the  performance  of your system in order to get the most out of your SAP EPM Investment.

Get the e-Book


2.  Test Your BPC Performance 

Benchmark 2

Get a BPC performance report card and custom report to identify performance issues you may not even know you have.

Test my BPC


  3. Get Your EPM Assessment  


Our assessment delivers a complete, best practice roadmap for you to follow.  We’ll work together to assess what you need to pivot your financial forecasting, planning, reporting and analysis to handle the compressed requirements from the volatile COVID-19 environment. 

New Assessment